Monday, 27 January 2014


#1 Starfish is from the echinoderm family,which is similar to the sea cucumber and sea urchins.
Echinoderm simply means 'spiny'. The surface of a starfish is spiny, rough and hard.  
African red knob seafish
#2 Starfish has EYES! 
Yes, u didn't see it wrong! starfish has one tiny weeny eye that would detect light or darkness.

#3 How starfish move? 
there are two ways for starfish to move, the first one is to just catch a wave and off they go! the second one is to just,crawl. There are thousand, millions of tiny tubes at the underside of starfish that enable itself to be attached to rocks.

a purple starfish that was washed up to shore in koh Lipe.
#4 starfish reproduce asexually(as we all know) and sexually!
Sexually : Starfish reproduce sexually by spawning. This means that the sex cells are released into the water by the male and female starfish. Starfish have sexual organs, or gonads, at the end of each arm. During a breeding season the males' gonads fill with sperm and the females' gonads fill with eggs. When starfish spawn, the males release sperm and the females release eggs in great numbers. 

Asexually : if an arm and some part of the centre piece is detached, it can regenerate itself over months. However asexual reproduction is not ideal as there will not be any genetic diversity.

excited me! :) 

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